The Cowardliness of the Supreme Court

Attention Theban Legion, news from the glorious Roman Capital. Sadly it’s not great news, I have been informed that our courts are nothing but cowards and corrupt. They are refusing to protect roman citizen property rights, all why pretending they are so virtuously protecting the people from evil landlords. These cowards of the court decided that because of the recent wars that those who owned the property could not charge agreed upon rent from those living in them. This decision is causing an uproar for many landlords. From a reliable source I can say that many of the smaller landlords are starting to debate whether it worth bankrupting on the loans and just selling the properties to merchant guilds.

One does not need to be a Roamn Politicians to see these cowards are directly helping these merchant guilds to gain even more property and power against the people of Rome. What makes this even worse is that Merchant guilds directly hurt the very people they claim to be helping. These cowards on the court are hurting the people they so virtuously claim to be helping without a thought of the consequences. In other news I hear Americans Supreme court is doing the same thing. I must say these judges are cowards, and only care about looking good and helping the merchant guilds more then the people.

Bible Verse and Roman Fact
Proverbs 17:15 “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.”

Roman legal procedure, long evolving system used in the Roman courts, which in its later stages formed the basis for modern procedure in civil-law countries. – Roman Legal System

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